An Update on Album #2!
We recorded the majority of our first album in the span of two days at Sedgwick Studios in Flat Rock, NC. For our second album, we decided to try to record as much of it at home as possible, and it has been a much longer process. Back in the summer we purchased some recording equipment and set up one of the bedrooms in our house as a film and recording studio. We’ve been taking our time, recording our new material one track at a time since July!
Well, today - 11/7/2019 - marks the end of the tracking we’ll be doing at home for our sophomore album! We’re still planning to track a couple of more songs at Sedgewick, but that should be a lot less time intensive than what we’ve been doing from home.
Recording from home has been a big learning experience, and the their have been both great and not-so-great aspects of doing so. The good part about it is that we’ve been able to take our time and get the performances that we really wanted out of the songs. We haven’t had to worry about time and the cost quite so much, resulting in the ability to experiment, scrap things that weren’t working, and try some tunes from several different angles.
If you’ve seen us live, you may have heard Kendra’s fantastic song “Moment With You.” We tried that one for our first album, but ended up leaving it on the cutting room floor. The syncopated rhythms that construct the song made it really hard to do a proper recording of. It took about 5 or 6 runs at it, but we finally got it tracked, and we’re really happy about that!
Don’t mind me, I’m just messing up your vocal take for the forty-third time.
The downsides of recording at home have been kind of comical. We’ve had to turn the a/c off when it was hot outside and turn the heat off when it was cold, in order to keep the house quiet. Speaking of a quiet house, its REALLY hard to not record any stray toenail clicks or fussy barks when you’ve got two perpetually-hungry dogs in the house.
The most infuriating thing, BY FAR, was getting our recording computer set up. We had to contend with some infuriating technical issues that kept Zack pulling his hair for the month of July. He spent eight hours a day for nearly a month trying to solve some computer issues that were preventing the recordings from beginning.
It’s been a great deal of fun, though, and we’re really proud of the songs and recordings. We have a really neat concept for the album that we’re excited to share with you soon! We’ll keep you up to date about our progress, but know that we’re getting close!
If you haven’t checked out our YouTube series yet, we’d love for you to see what we’ve been doing there. Make sure to subscribe to get more videos when they come out:
Thank you, friends!